Scene 11: Seeking Help


21st – 23rd of Emperium i1453


Duram convinces Corwyn that they need magical support, if they want to withstand Alwyn Aldaine’s magical powers. A powerful Tirian witch in the Dalgryn March saved Duram once, and she might help them if they petitioned her. Corwyn and Duram plan on crossing the Plain of Flowers by night in order to avoid the Patriarch’s spies. At first, two men tail them, but they can throw them off their trail at Hingriff. Their nightly journey across the Plain is slow and tedious. Corwyn accidentally rides his horse into a sinkhole, hurting his leg. They rest and continue their journey at dawn. On the following day, they pass An-Dama Dyr and make their way towards the Tiria Wold.


Read the full "Scene 11: Seeking Help" here. (PDF)

Scene 10: Regrouping


20th of Emperium i1453


While Corwyn is dealing with Malcolme, Duram approaches Malcolme’s townhouse, only to find it besieged by Agallite templars and men-at-arms. They are arresting anyone associated with Malcolme for heresy. The men discover and almost catch Duram, but he escapes. Shortly after Corwyn left Malcolme’s secret meeting place, he observes Agallite templars and soldiers marching towards the place; apparently, the Ghazarab has already warned its master, who had prepared his soldiers to act quickly. At Duram’s place, they discuss their new findings. Corwyn would prefer to bring the confession to Earl Garrett directly, but Duram warns him that this would endanger both Garrett and Justin. Instead, he suggests blackmailing the Patriarch. 


Read the full "Scene 10: Regrouping" here. (PDF)

New: There is an AI-generated audiobook version of the story parts now (created by ElevenLabs).

Listen to "Scene 10: Regrouping" here. (MP3)

Scene 9: Cabals and Secrets


20th of Emperium i1453


The magically protected townhouse is the meeting place of Malcolme’s cabal. Malcolme is waiting for Corwyn alone, but someone warned him been about Corwyn’s true identity and intention. While Malcolme is poisoning the drinks, Corwyn uses the second sight and discovers a Ghazarab spying on them. When the spirit notices the spiritwalker’s halo around Corwyn’s head, it immediately warns Malcolme. Realizing that his trap did not work, Malcolme tries to use magic on Corwyn, to no avail. The Ghazarab attempts to make a spirit attack on Corwyn, but Corwyn’s magical amulet repels the attack, and the spirit flees. Corwyn and Malcolme get into a brawl until Corwyn overpowers the Danian nobleman. Fearing for his life, Malcolme admits he ensorcelled Justin, but adds that someone forced him to do so.


Read the full "Scene 09: Cabals and Secrets" here. (PDF)

New: There is an AI-generated audiobook version of the story parts now (created by ElevenLabs).

Listen to "Scene 09: Cabals and Secrets" here. (MP3)